When you first start, it will look like this:
For a bonus, if you have a pink puffle, bring it along. It'll blow an air bubble for you! You can do this by taking you pink puffle on a walk and playing Aqua Grabber.

Here's the Clam Waters Guide:
Select the clam for Clam Waters.

One thing you can do in Clam Waters is collect the mini pearls. To do this, wait until a clam is asleep, and quickly snatch the pearl. This is optional, though. Be sure not to bang into anything, or you'll awaken the clam!

After you've collected all the pearls, go to the very bottom of the ocean. Steer to the right, and pick up the large rock you find there.

Take the rock and swim to the left of the bottom. You'll find a huge, snoring clam there. Drop the rock in its mouth and carefully grab the huge pearl that's there.

Quickly get some air and swim to the surface with the pearl. Drop it above the net.

Yay! You've finished Clam Waters successfully.
Here's the Soda Seas Guide:
Select the puffer-fish for Soda Seas

As you will notice, the water is purple! This is because of all the cream soda being flushed into the water. Your job will be to return the water to its normal color.
Start by picking up all the barrels of cream soda.

Make sure you drop them above the net.

As you will notice, some of the barrels are blocked by plants. Don't worry about this; just pick up the barrels that are in the open. Slowly, one by one, the plants will start opening up.

Once you are done putting all the barrels of cream soda back, dive down to the very bottom of the ocean. You'll noticed the place where the bubbles come from will open up. Dive through it.

Keep going down, and be sure to get the air bubbles that float near. Avoid the puffer-fish and keep on going.

Soon you'll come across this huge, ugly blowfish. Swim around it and at the bottom-right you'll find a tunnel. Go down it.

Get some air first. Then go down a bit and you'll see a purple jewel, the amethyst. Pick it up and return to the top once more. Drop it in the net.

YAY! You've successfully finished Soda Seas!
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