First off, CP is releasing a line of plush toys!!! Each toy comes with a code that will unlock cool items online. They'll be sold at Toys R Us.
Picture courtesy of Snow Dobby. I added in the words.

Also, if you can change the color of the puffle in Balloon Pop (a members only game) if you bring that color. Say you bring red, you will see YOUR red puffle!
This puffle's name is Bolt.

This puffle's name is Maple.

This puffle's name is April.

This puffle's name is Leftie.

This puffle's name is Flora.

This puffle's name is Lynn.

This puffle's name is Knight.
Also, here are the steps to being able to stand on the trampoline in the Circle of Arcades.

Click on the red balloon.

Throw a bunch of snowballs above the hot air balloon.

Click on the snowballs and VOILA, you'll be standing on it!!!
More cool info later-
-Peggie Quin (yes, original style)
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