PQ: Hey, everyone!
SC: Ho ho ho hello!
EL: Yo.
PQ: So, are you guys busy for Christmas?
SC: Yes, yes, yes. We are very, very busy for Christmas. We spend most of the year preparing for it, and even so, it's very hectic! Isn't that right, Elfie?
EL: Yeah, that's right, Santa. Six of the Painting Elves and two of the Building Elves have dropped unconsious because they were so busy. Christmas is really a busy time of year, especially for us elves. We do most of the work, and Santa takes care of that list of his.
PQ: Let's have a sneak peek on the penguin party this year, shall we?
SC: Ho ho ho! I suppose so. Well, it's going to be more that just presents. A big part of Christmas is the toys, of course, but it's also about the holiday spirit. And on Club Penguin, we're going to see a lot of that this year. As you can see, Elfie had already sent out several troops of elves onto the island to spread cheer by singing carols and ringing the Bells of Peace.
EL: Oh, and Coins for Change is going to be BIG this year, peeps. I've already spoken to Rockhopper about it, and he's a holiday fan, so he agreed. Rockhopper will be a main part in a successful Christmas.
PQ: Hey Santa. What do you say on all this rubbish about 'Santa isn't REAL!'
SC: Oh, I don't mind at all. I can't believe penguins think it's their friends and family giving them all of the gifts. Oh, sure, some of them are, but mostly its from us! Anyway, those are some of the people who get coal.
EL: We don't like 'em much. Ignorant little suckers.
PQ: Well, that's great to know! This is Peggie Quin, signing out.
AWESOME! How did you meet them!? (Just kidding.) Anyay, it was cool. BYE!
Interesting conversation. I think Elfie is just a little bit on the rough side. Oh well, they both seem great. Christmas sounds fun this year! YAY!
ReplyDelete-Pinkguin 246
I agree with Elfie. Penguins should believe in Santa. He's totally real. But I think that conversation was absolutely positively COOL!