Sunday, January 18, 2009


I am interviewing Peggie. This will be INTERESTING! You can't find this exclusive Peggie info ANYWHERE ELSE! (Unless someone plagarizes, and if you do, you're dead! I mean it!) 

FL: So..... How's life???

PQ: Good.

FL: I'm FLIPPY! I don't do one word answers.

PQ: Okay, here's a SEVEN word answer........ Good.

FL: OKAY? So, do you like bikinis?

PQ: I prefer inflatable duckies.

FL: Then what do you wear in the pool?

PQ: Inflatable duckies! What else?

FL: I mean... what type of bathing suit?

PQ: Inflatable duckies! Aren't they decent swimwear?

FL: Loser! Loser! Pumpkin eater! What kind of person are you not liking bikinis??

PQ: A very happy duckie-wearing person, that's what! 

FL: How COULD you?! Bikinis are so much more fashionable and decent!!


FL: FINE THEN! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY! SO... do you like penguins?

PQ: Yes. I AM a penguin, if you haven't noticed! >:-(

FL: Well... You might not like what you are. A lot of people don't, I think.

PQ: I have a question for you. Is the interview over yet?

FL: No..... Who is your BEST friend?? Me, isn't it? I know, I am so awesome that you have to pick me!

PQ: Actually, no! My best friend is.... um... Pinky! And you. I guess. 

FL: What do you mean you mean 'I guess'? And how about Cafina, you didn't mention her at ALL! Is she your friend????

PQ: Not friend. SISTER! Cafina is my sister. Can I go now?

FL: I AM NOT DONE!! Anyway... even if Cafina is your sister, she could be your friend.

PQ: Sure, whatever!

FL: I am getting some vibe that you don't want to talk to me.

PQ: I am getting the vibe that you are a dangerous criminal.

FL: Even if I am, you should still talk to me. I mean, I like BIKINIS!!

PQ: Did you steal any from the Gift Shop? Ooooohhhh....

FL: Of course NOT! I am a very nice person, believe it or not. Believe it or your in HUGE trouble!!!

PQ: You can still be nice and still be a criminal! Anyway, the time's up! Bye! *runs away screaming* 

FL: HEY!! Don't go. I'm still not done with you!!!

Well... that was kinda RUDE! You never see me running away from her when she interviews me. I mean, what's up with that? I guess she really needs those manners lessons from Pinky. (Even thought I think Pinky NEEDS some manner lessons herself. HA HA!)



  1. How Rude! You have no manners! I mean, you called me Scary Pink Lady for crying out loud! Do you hate me THAT much!? I repeat, you have NO manners!


  2. How do i not have manners?



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