1. The blue target below could get you an extra life. If you find one of these in a level, hit it first and you will get an extra life.
2. When you get up to these levels, you have to hit the orange box that is at the left corner of the page to get ride of the box under the green target.

3. To get this target red, you need to hit it twice. When you hit it once, it will turn into the green target. Then, you have to hit it the green target it turned into and then it will turn red.

4. This is the level 21. Do you see the yellow target? Well, you can only hit it when it gets to the bottom line. At first, it seems like it is going very slow, but, when it gets to the bottom line, it goes really fast. So, get ready for it.

5. When you hit the green target below, it stretches so it would be harder to get other targets.
6.When you get to a level with the laser on the left, it shoots whenever you shoot. But, you have to be careful because it it hits you, you could loose a life and if you hit the laser, it gets destoyed, so you can't use it anymore.
Cool! Thanks Flippy! I sucked at thaat game!
lol Flippy, at first you wrote "Astro Blaster" instead of "Astro Barrier." Good thing it was fixed!