Hi everyone! Well, a few minutes ago, I logged into Mammoth, and someone in the Town shouted, "Fight at the Dock!" So of course I went to check it out. And it was BIG! I think a new army has risen out of the dust...

THE BLUE ARMY!! They were nothing but dark-blue penguins wearing blue shoulder bags. They just stood there while the ACP beat them up with snowballs. Actually, I don't even think they were an army- they were just standing there, talking, and suddenly the ACP attacked them!

There they are, folks- the notorious ACP. They are
one of the biggest, longest-lasting armies on the face of Club Penguin. They were really suspicious of the "Blue Army" and threw tons of snowballs at them.

Here's a last picture of the Blue Army vs. ACP battle. The Blue Army was small, but strong! The ACPs were really freaked out when the Blue Army started fighting back. Most of their soldiers left after the Blues started winning, lol.
Remember the amazing Nacho vs. ACP battle back in January? If you want to see it, click
HERE.-Peggie Quin
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