Coffee Shop- No idea! Last year it was just a casual singing thing... maybe it's different this year!

Dock- I think it'll be the Center again, and it will change each day. Kinda like last year!
Ski Village- I'm pretty sure it's orchestra again!
Beach- I know it'll be Bubble-Pop again. Hehe... it's easy to tell, all pink and purple...
Snow Forts- Okay, I'm clueless again. Red, and blue... very interesting...
Forest- Country music! What else?
Cove- Uh... I'm not sure what to call it. Tropical music? Hawaiian? Something like that!
Soccer Pitch- IDK!! Maybe something like what last year the Ice Rink looked like...
Iceberg- Lots of stereo-speaker stuff. Maybe it'll be rock, or heavy metal, or "boulder" like last year.

Lighthouse- We saw a sneak peek of it, remember? Click HERE to see it. But Detective Quin has found several traces of blue paint on the walls... I really want to see this room! ;D
This is Detective Quin, signing off!

Dock- I think it'll be the Center again, and it will change each day. Kinda like last year!

Ski Village- I'm pretty sure it's orchestra again!

Beach- I know it'll be Bubble-Pop again. Hehe... it's easy to tell, all pink and purple...

Snow Forts- Okay, I'm clueless again. Red, and blue... very interesting...

Forest- Country music! What else?

Cove- Uh... I'm not sure what to call it. Tropical music? Hawaiian? Something like that!

Soccer Pitch- IDK!! Maybe something like what last year the Ice Rink looked like...

Iceberg- Lots of stereo-speaker stuff. Maybe it'll be rock, or heavy metal, or "boulder" like last year.

Lighthouse- We saw a sneak peek of it, remember? Click HERE to see it. But Detective Quin has found several traces of blue paint on the walls... I really want to see this room! ;D

This is Detective Quin, signing off!
Yes... I hope the Penguin Band will be playing there :)