Actually, make that my BEST friends' igloos! Actually actually, make that my member friends' igloos (sorry to my nonmember pals, but your igloos are all pretty much the same.)
I have a lot of friends. Yes. Friends are nice. I'm going to grade their igloos, along with a small commentary! YEAH! Sorry, lol. I'm bored.
Hmm... calm, at best. I like flashy igloos with lots of noise... this one totally goes against all Peggie's laws of nature. Cafina's igloos are designed for home life (eating, cooking, puffles, relaxing) and mine are for partying and having random fun! Oh well, at least it has... nachos!
NOOOO! FLIPPY! How COULD YOU! Don't you remember those posts about your awesome igloo and whatnot? WHAT HAPPENED?! It's empty! I can't believe this... oh well, I guess it's because you're not into CP anymore... but why the membership, then? Strange- LOL!
Cafina and I met Maverick one day while we were working on a music video. This is his igloo- sweet huh? It has refreshments, lots of those red Coffee Shop sofas (aWeSoMe!) and flashy dance floors! This is a cool igloo ;)
Hmm... Pinky's igloo! It's kinda weird- a TV, golden mirrors, candy- and then a lot of ancient ruins? That's RaNdOm! But randomness is awesome, so this is a pretty sweet igloo! Especially because of the shiny, golden, sweet, aWeSoMe CANDY...
Umm... this igloo has stuff in it, but random things. Not random in a good way- random in a random random random random way. It kind of creeps me out (don't ask me why!) that he really only bothered to throw in a pantry, a table, an empty bookcase, and some pet furniture...




-Peggie Quin
*insert pie here*
*insert pie here*
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