Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cafina's Corner-Snowball Fights!

Hey penguins! OK, I admit, snowball fights aren't really a sport, but hey, it's the perfect time of the year to gather your buddies for a snowball fight! So, without any further ado, I present to you...(drum roll, please!)
Cafina's Corner!
The funny thing about snowball fights are they are fun anywhere! But if I had to pick, I would choose the Snow Forts, and in second place, the Forest! The Snow Forts is naturally the best place for snowball fights, as Club Penguin designed it that way.

Here are some (hopefully!) useful tips on snowball wars:

1. Don't you turn your back for a second! The minute you glance at your watch, momentarily distracted...SMACK! A snowball from your opponent has just hit your face. This is quite an important thing to remember, even though it seems so simple.

2. Be as quick as possible! If you are just waiting for your opponent to hit you with a snowball, they WILL! Be just fast enough to duck under your fort, or maybe dodge a snowball.

I chose snowball fights because, as I said before, it is the most perfect time of the year. The forts at the Snow Forts have been rebuilt, and they're amazing! So go out there, get a couple friends, and use this guide to win the Snowball Wars!

Ciao for now!



  1. Hi

    U said that my blog was on ur Blogroll.

  2. Hi Whizzobobrox! Sorry for the delay on adding you to the blogroll. We'll add your blog as soon as possible, though, so don't worry.


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