Friday, December 11, 2009

Coins for Change Guide '09

Hi everyone! COINS FOR CHANGE IS HERE! The ways to donate are endless, as so is the amount you can donate. And now, with donation stations for our igloos, we can donate right from the comfort of our very own homes!

Want to learn the best ways to donate? Here's a guide!

Step #1
Find a donation station. Look for the Coins for Change sign and the black bucket.

There's one in the Town...
One in the Plaza...
One on the Beach...
And one in Rockhopper's ship!
Step #2
Click on the donation station. Then select with cause you want to donate to.
Step #3
Select how many coins you want to donate. The more you donate, the more money that cause gets in real life!
Step #4
Bask in the heavenly glow of your own goodness!
Don't forget to buy donation stations from Rockhopper to put in your own igloo, too. The only problem with them, however, is that you can only donate once in your igloo by standing on the donation station. If you want to donate more, you have to leave and come back!
You can donate easily and as many times as you want in other penguins' houses! Weird!
GO COINS FOR CHANGE! w00t! w00t! w00t!

-Peggie Quin

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