Thursday, December 24, 2009

Polar Plans- Part #3

Hi everyone! Well, this is the last part of the "Polar Peril" series. If you forget what last happened... Peggie and Cafina had managed to steal Herbert's evil plans, and they found out that he wanted to blow up the island! *gasp* WARNING: This story is the longest one yet! Only read it if you have some extra time on your hands!

Here goes...

A few days had passed since we had last come across Herbert's evil to-do list. I had been feeling jittery ever since- jumping at the slightest sound in the darkness and keeping away from any electrical appliance for fear it would blow up. I spent most of my days in solitude, but I did begin to wonder.

"There must be a way to stop Herbert," I said to myself one day.
"How can you blow up a whole island, anyway?" I asked, staring off into the ocean. The huge expanse of water stretched on and on forever, but it could be easily frozen by ice. The only thing it could beat was... fire.

That was it. FIRE!
I rushed the the place where I knew was the most fire in the island- the Fire Dojo! Sure enough, there were bottles of hot sauce, torches, lanterns, and flames burning all over. It was on a volcano, for Pete's sake!
Slowly, I pulled out my Spy Phone. I hadn't seen G in a while, but I was sure he wanted to see me. He wanted to know what was going on, right? Slowly I hit the button and made my way to the Secret Agent Headquarters. G was there, sipping his coffee casually, but his eyes lit up when they saw me.

"Agent Quin?" he gasped. "How did the mission go? Did you retrieve the data? And where's Agent Cafina? Are- are you all right?"

I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out the list. Gary's eyes widened bit by bit as he read the blasphemous things Herbert had planned for the island. "Wh- what?" he gasped.

"I think he's going to use fire to blow it up," I said quietly.

Gary looked shaken as he tucked the list into his lab-coat pocket. "This can't be good..." he murmured. "...we have to evacuate the island to save all the penguins..." He turned to a nearby Agent. "Someone call Rockhopper!" he yelled. "Wait... if Herbert is stopped in time, we won't have to resort to extremes..."

"Gary, I'm going to investigate this right away," I said.

"I'm going to start inventing right away. There has got to be something to quench all of that fire! Lucky for us we live on an island and the fire can't go past the water... anyway, good work, Agent."
His eyes weren't frightened now- they were fiery, and I could tell that ideas were already starting to bubble up behind his glasses.

"Thanks, Gary," I murmured, and headed off to the Fire Dojo again.

A flash of orange amidst the flames wouldn't have seemed unusual- if it weren't for a strange clicking noise. I knew that sound- and who it came from- by second nature. I whipped around. "STOP IT RIGHT THERE, KLUTZY!"
His eyes bugged out and he tried to scuttle away, but I lunged forwards and grabbed him. Slashes from sharp pincers stabbed at my coat, but it was thick enough to protect me. Struggling, I managed to teleport to the Headquarters.

"Gary!" I gasped. "I've got... Klutzy!" In a few quick seconds, the mischievous crab had been stuffed into a strong wire cage.
"That's one thing checked off my to-do list," Gary said, looking at his clipboard.
"Amazing work, Agent!" Gary said, looking up with a grin. "You've put one of our top fugitives behind bars in only a day's work." Suddenly he turned an embarrassed red. "Er... I hope he doesn't escape again."
I ambled on over to the Forest, feeling a little relieved that at least Klutzy was out of the big picture. "Now, where would an evil, thieving polar bear go?" That was an easy enough question. Somewhere deserted. Like... the Iceberg!
I was right, for once. For once, my plans hadn't gone haywire. Herbert was there, all right, and talking to himself like a madman!

"The time has come," he cackled. A shiver ran down my spine. On our last encounter, Herbert had chased me all over the island, no doubt with the most dastardly intentions.

"For Christmas..." he began, "the island will burn."
"Now, to the Forest," he muttered to himself, and vanished from sight. I stared ahead, not seeing the vast expanse of the Iceberg, but instead seeing an island going up in flames. I had time, but not too much. Quickly I changed into a tree costume, ready to go to the Forest. But something was stopping me...

I hurried to the Book Room and rifled through all of the books on the shelves. Nothing was there. Nothing! "I NEED ANSWERS!" I yelled.
I turned back to the shelf and sighed. "Please," I whispered. "Please." I reached into the darkest nook of the enormous shelf and felt a cover. I pulled it out. It was covered in a thick layer of dust and grime. Blowing on the cover, I realized it was A Christmas Carol.
It was a famous classic- written by Charles Dickens. Slowly I pulled it onto my lap and began to read, letting the words pour into my head.
The book wasn't too long, and I finished it after one hour of steady reading. That was all I needed. I tucked it under my arm. I had... another idea!
I ripped a sticky note out and scribbled Top secret: DO NOT READ on it, then sticking it into the book's front cover. Reverse psychology would work on Herbert. If you asked him not to do something, of course he would do it!
Fortunately, he was at the Forest, and my tree disguise blended in perfectly. I threw it on the ground and hid myself amongst the other snow-covered pines. Herbert strode up to it in good time, and his eyes narrowed as he read the note. "What is this?"
Slowly he picked it up in his enormous paws and began to read. Quick as a flash, I teleported to the Agent HQ yet again. G was there.

"Agent Quin!" he cried. "You're here early... I was just about to make a phone call. Any progress?"
I explained my ridiculous plan. "I put out a copy of A Christmas Carol. Maybe if he reads it... he'll learn the true meaning of Christmas... and he won't try to hurt us anymore."

G smiled offhandedly. "A Christmas Carol? Really? That's interesting... Maybe he'll learn his lesson, but if not... I'll send in Jet Pack Guy." He made the call and then hung up a few minutes later. "To the Beach, Agent!"

I teleported to the Beach and explained my situation to Jet Pack Guy.

"That's surprising, Agent," he said slowly. "I'll jet over..."

Every agent needs a plan. I usually had one- but not now. For now I was just waiting until the perfect moment to strike and ruin Herbert's plans- and that was in the beginning of the Christmas party. I had an idea of what to do- but no plans on how to carry it out.

I had arranged to meet up with a fellow agent friend in the Coffee Shop. Agent Owen1075 and I met discreetly over a cup of coffee. "Agent Owen, I need your help," I said carefully, making sure that no civilian heard.

His eyes brightened with excitement. "Is this about that Herbert case?" he asked eagerly.
My eyes widened with surprise. "How do you know about that?"
He grinned. "Gary lets some things slip. Actually, a lot of agents know about it."
I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Great, just great."

"Oh, come on, Quin, spit it out. What do you need me for?"
I looked around and lowered my voice. "Do you have access to Santa's Workshop?"
"Yes," he said, grinning. "I sure do."

He managed to sneak me some elf clothes, and he changed his own appearance slightly before we headed into the workshop. Fortunately, it was busy with hardworking elves assembling, painting, and wrapping presents, and we went unnoticed.

I had a hunch that Herbert would try to ruin Christmas for his own enjoyment before setting the island alight. If it was true, we could easily capture him. I kept my eyes peeled.

"Now we infiltrate Santa's Workshop," I whispered.
"Check," he said, pretending to examine a passing gift.
I stared at a teddy bear until a nearby elf poked me. "Hey, lazy, get to work!" he snapped. "We only have a DAY left and you're just sitting around?"
"Er... sorry, I just-" I stammered.
"Start wrapping," he ordered, and I obeyed him. It was hard, fast work, so I was too preoccupied with my work to look out for the polar bear.

Fortunately, Agent Owen was quick enough to spot him. "BEAR!" he hissed. Startled, I jumped. "Forest!" I gasped, knowing that was where he went to seek solitude.
We zapped over to the Forest, but it was empty. The enormous Christmas tree stood stock-still, glistening in the light of Christmas Eve's moon, presents hiding underneath precariously. "He's not here," I whispered, disappointed.
"He'll come," Owen said tersely. "You know, Quin... er..."
"That bear stole my family," he said quietly. "And I am going to steal his future from him, just like he did from me."
I felt a pang of sadness. The misery in Owen's heart was unimaginable for me. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Suddenly, a flash of white popped up amongst the presents, his eyes twinkling evilly. A few teddy bears were stuffed into his overlarge paws. It was... at last... Herbert P. Bear!

From his pocket Owen pulled out a tranquilizer dart and aimed it at Herbert. Into his paw it went, and the great beast slumped to the ground. He had simply fainted, that was all. In a matter of seconds, the whole matter was done with. I grabbed Herbert's heavy paws, and Owen grabbed his feet. We teleported to the HQ.

G was inside, headphones strapped to his head and gadgets everywhere. "G... we did it," I gasped, straining underneath the polar bear's weight.

G's eyes bugged out beneath his glasses. "You've done it?" he cried, leaping to his feet. "You and Agent Owen have captured HERBERT P. BEAR? Amazing!" In his excitement, he knocked a few gadgets off the table. "I commend your outstanding work! Congratulations, agents!"
I "It's not over yet," I hissed. "We've got to find out why he's doing this. Why he wants to ruin Christmas, too!"

"Head into the Sports Shop," G ordered eagerly. "Agent Owen and I will interrogate him."
"Sounds good to me," Owen said. He was happy to have captured Herbert, I could tell.

I waddled impatiently into the Sports Shop and listened to the goings-on as Herbert awoke from his deep, muggy sleep.
Soon they had Herbert awake, and forced him to speak. I could hear the polar bear's voice, hoarse, rough, and slightly British.

"Why did I want to ruin Christmas for you foul fowls? Easy! What would I have to get out of your miserable little holiday? No presents, no holiday cheer, nothing. Who would spread joy to me? I was all alone after you captured Klutzy. And if I couldn't celebrate Christmas, why should everyone else be able to?"

I stopped breathing. There was some unethical justice in his words, but it was true. Why should Herbert celebrate the holidays if he had no one to celebrate with? He probably had gotten no presents, either...

In a sudden urge of ridiculousness, I sprang to my feet and jumped into the Headquarters. Out of my pockets I fished out what I had- a spare Candy Cane hat. I stuffed it into Herbert's paw. I could feel two confused gazes of Owen and Gary upon me, but all I said was "Merry Christmas, Herbert."

Herbert stared at it for a second. "What the... I mean, what is this?" It seemed stupid now. The hat was much too small for his huge head.
Click, click, CLICK! CRASH!
In a flash of red, Klutzy leapt in front of us. He was holding a mangled padlock between his claws. Clicking furiously, he squealed. Herbert nodded and grinned.

"Thank you, penguin," he said, sneering. "But I have a better gift... freedom!" With a last evil laugh, he and Klutzy vanished into the darkness.
"Here we go again," I said, slapping my forehead.

Love it? Hate it? Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Ideas for future stories? COMMENT!
-Peggie Quin


  1. I don't hate it, definitely not! But I don't love it either. I like the others better, but this IS good!
    OK, what happened before it said A MONTH LATER? I WANT TO KNOW!
    My question there going to be more?

  2. Thanks for your feedback. And the "A MONTH LATER STUFF" was irrelevant. I suppose they jetted to the scene and Herbert had bolted, so Peggie came up with her Christmas plan.

    And no, this is the LAST PART of the series. There will be more STORIES, but no more in the "Polar Peril" series.

  3. Did u make that?
    It looks sooo convincing!

  4. 2/10


    lol can u add me in ur blog rolls, and in My story :
    The Aventure's Blair1999 and Girlz Roxz The next one I will put you and Cafina in it,
    Maybe I could be in you're next 1?

  5. Thanks, Blair1999! Sure, we'll add you to our blogroll. Could you add us to yours?

    If we meet would be a pleasure to have a friend in one of our stories! :D

  6. O.K just arrange a date.. I'm in London so, cp time of course (ha!)

  7. Nice story....I hope someday herbert learns the true meaning of chrismas. But if he trys to burn cp or steal our puffles hes going to learn the true meaning of the hammer. Hahahaha
    I cant wait until the new misson!

  8. hmmmm... id rate it 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001/10!

  9. Hmpft. Psh... LOL, I like it! Just skimming your blog with all the fun times you had! Waddle ON!


    PS: Loved the story! (I'd rate it "THE BEST!" / 10 :)


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