Why did I start blogging about Club Penguin? There are many reasons, but the biggest truth is that I wanted fame. I wanted to be noticed around the island, and not blend into the sea of colors like an ordinary penguin. I wanted to be crowded, I wanted penguins to scream my name, and most of all, I wanted to be popular.
My idol back then was Fever (or as be used to be known, Watex.) I was heartbroken when his site was mysteriously shut down. I later found out that he had been posting about a way to get free membership- and break Club Penguin terms and conditions by doing so. I was astounded. How could a blogger do something so awful?
I soon learned that there is no end to the terrible things bloggers can do. They can terrorize others, hack into their blogs, spam and hate, steal identities, steal pictures, and countless other things. I felt very scared and alone. Some of these things even happened to me, and I had to go through it by myself, for the most part.
Suddenly, during a random Google search, I came across one of my current friends' sites. This introduced me to the gigantic community of Club Penguin bloggers. In a heartbeat, I knew that I wasn't alone. I had others- people who shared my dreams. People who shared my feelings. I quickly became friends with a great number of amazing bloggers.
Through this, I grew.
You see- and here's the secret.
There are ALWAYS going to be bad things happening. There are ALWAYS going to be bad people. You may feel like you're all alone, or you're helpless. But remember this- there are ALWAYS going to be good things happening. There are ALWAYS going to be good people. Your job in life is to find the good in the bad, the one-in-a-million lucky shine. This is what makes life worth living.
I discovered this through blogging about a virtual life site online. It sounds preposterous, I know, but it's true. This is what kept me blogging when I doubted. The good people- the lovely comments supporting us. The people who added us to our blogrolls and gave us advice. These were like a life raft in the midst of a roaring ocean, and I clung to these.
But here we are, at the end. This was like a blogging roller coaster ride. There were ups and downs, and uncomfortable twists, and dazzling swoops. Now we are at the end. I am at the end of my ride, and I am boarding off. Others, at this very second, are boarding on. I have to make room for them, don't I?
I am leaving now. I am not going to blog about Club Penguin anymore. I will STILL PLAY CLUB PENGUIN! But I am not going to blog about it anymore, because I have too much going on in my life to have reason to get up early and stress over posts. There is a whole world out there! Get up from this computer for a second and look around you. Look out the window. See the beauty in the life all around you!
Here is a list of names of the people who I would like to thank for absolutely EVERYTHING!
Cafina, Pinkguin 246, Flippy0102, Zathina, Hoppy Quin, Boondangle, Saraapril, Blair1999, Sommfi, Twinkle Toes, Lemon2608.
Update: Whizzbobrox!
How could I forget you? I apologize! In my sadness I forgot to add you. I hope this makes you feel better :)
Update: Owen1075!
Another excellent friend who even appeared in one of my stories! He requested to be put up here (I saw him on Club Penguin) so CHEERS TO OWEN!
Here is a list of our AMAZING followers who brightened my day!
Ms Pink Fluf, ♥Birdy♥, Slidoo, Chimpbrad, Queen Binawa, Monica =), Piper/Lemon2608, MrChicken4, Wendy Wang, 2000antman, Frangipani42.
YOU. You are the reason why I blogged. That's it. Final.
I love you all, and I know that you have bright futures ahead of you. Remember my advice, and try your best. I firmly believe that every single one of you will succeed as long as you follow your dreams and do what's important to you.
~Thank you~
I am touched, Peggie! I am sad to see the blog end, but this is a heartfelt ending post. You sang your heart out. And you know what? I agree with what you said. Every word of it. You are truly great, Peggie Quin!
ReplyDeleteI agree with EVERYTHING you said. I might need to step back and think about blogging aswell.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck with everything else you guys try in the future. I'm sure you will do something to brighten peoples days each and every day.
Goodbye Peegie and Cafina :(
Your friend,
P.S. Can I possibly add you to my buddy list?
I always come your blog! im love it and you touched my heart
Awwww! That was so inspiring! Thank you for everthing. I cryed when I read this. You are so right. Thank you for making this blog for everone!
ReplyDeleteDon't quit guys! Please! You and Cafina are truly Awesome Penguins! My blog would NEVER match yours! :(
ReplyDeleteYou started saying "Hi" to everyone, now you gals ended it with "Goodbye" and your last PERIOD (.)
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad that you quit BLOGGING. I hope I can meet you all sometime in Club Penguin:) I was so touched with the POST. Everyone would also quit in anytime. It may be expected or unexpected. This is one of the unexpected ones. You were Really AWESOME Penguins!
You are TRUE to your WORDS, you really mean what you say. I know PPL will be touched with your post. Quitting = is not FOREVER. When you quit, there may be some time you get BACK. Or soon.. it vanishes from the mind. We grow up. We don't need to stay in the Computer all day for latest Updates.. We all grow up..
I am NOT telling you to "DON't QUIT!", "Please come back to blogging!" , it's your choice, that is your Freedom. No one could control you. All must understand that EVERYTHING comes to an END.
And finally, you were GREAT bloggers! I know we just want FAME. Everyone loves to be famous, right? But..GET this, if you are famous, FANS would go over YOU, and forget your REAL Friends..
There were trials, obstacles in every ROAD we take. We sometimes slip, sometimes trip. Remember when an impostor was here? This news were just weeks ago. And good news are also in a ROAD you take. Like having viewers!
The lastly last,
YOU ARE REALLY Great Penguins! Please don't delete this blog. This would be an INPIRATION to all who are just starting, in the middle, and also for those who are coming to an END..
We'll miss you GALS! :'(
Please! dont quit! D:
ReplyDeletePeggie! THE WHOLE REASON I started blogging is because I saw your blog!
you inspire so many people!
PLEASE re-think this foolish step! D:
Do some kind of a should I quit ? Poll !
PLEASE don't quit, there are soo many people that don't want you to quit :(
PLUS i've always wanted to write for this blog and if you quit I never will {Not that I probably was going too :(}
PLEASE don't quit!
P.S: Thanks for the shout out :')
I am really sad right now, but respect your decision. I have been thinking about quitting MANY times for the same reason you are, so I can make connections to you. I will really miss you, and you have been fantastic friends. I absolutely love that you added me to your blog list, and helped me out a lot. I wish you the BEST of luck in the future, and the real world and I really do hope to meet you both on Club Penguin so we can be great friends! :) If you want to discuss a time and place to meet me online, email me at slidoo@live.ca
ReplyDeleteI am not going to sit here listing the endless reasons for you not to quit because I am a respecting penguin, and I fully respect your decision. Life is ALL ABOUT decisions and every Club Penguin blogger does leave sometime.
I agree with your thing about fame, every blogger would love to be famous - but I'm now thinking it isn't such a good thing... famous penguins get crowded and can never be left alone. However I still think it WOULD be really fun! :)
If you EVER decide to come back, I insist that you tell me. You have been some amazing penguins, and your blog is truly special... you respect everyone... you treat EVERYONE the way you would like to be treated which is rare in a Club Penguin blogger. Often Club Penguin bloggers get to arragent and often think they're too famous to be friends with anyone. Penguins often forget about their friends, and only think about themselves, and their fans.
This is why I am moving "Slidoo" down on my priority list. Your post, along with the rest of your blog, is very inspiring, and whenever I read your posts, I feel a little spark of happiness go off somewhere in me.
Please leave this blog up, and let others see your AMAZING work. The road has ended for you, but... not really. Your BLOGGING road has ended... but blogging is only a small part of life which can effect your life in many ways - good AND bad. I am very sad and sorry to here that you are quitting but as I said before, respect all your decisions and I know that you will continue to inspire peoples in many ways, and will do GREAT things in real life.
-Yours truly, your biggest fan, Slidoo
I really hope you remember me! I think you should keep blogging. Your good at it! You have potential! You are very good at everything you do. I praise you, I look up to you, I know that you will always be a good friend to me though you are quitting the blog business. and who knows, maybe sometime we will run into each other.
ReplyDeleteThis post was really touching! It is sad to see you stop blogging.. But it's your choise! I really love your blog and everything about it! I cryed when I read this post. But you have good reasons for quitting. I will miss your blog. First, I thought you would quit Club Penguin too, but when I read that you would still play, I got happy :) See you in Club Penguin, FRIEND!
That was a real emotional post Peggie. A little sad Im not on the list but NVM :S
ReplyDeleteI almost cried reading through it. I have nearly reached that point too
Hello The Awesome Penguins,
ReplyDeleteIt's SO sad to see your blog go! :( I started blogging because of you! :) it's a good thing you are going to play in the REAL world! :)
I, along with many other people are going to miss you...All I say is: Thank You For your Years of Service.
In Loving Memory of: "The Awesome Penguins, July 1, 2008- May 4, 2010"
This REALLY is an Inspiration :)
ReplyDeleteIt's so SAD to be true :(
Nooooooo! Please! I'm SOOOO heart-broken! Oh please come back! Everytime I think of myself, I think of you!
ReplyDelete~Shawn Lily
thats so sad! i really liked reading your blog. perhaps some time we could meet on club penguin?
ReplyDeleteI am a newish blogger and when I found your blog on google search. I was touched. I hope to see you on club penguin some time, and have a greAT DAY!
ReplyDeleteOhh! I just dicovered this blog but OMGL you almost had me in tears (and that's a hard thing to do)!!!! God bless the world and the very people who put you in it! Keep writing poetry at least. :(
Awwwwww! I'm really touched. You treated others like you wanted to be treated. You weren't stuck up. I could list a million reasons on why you shouldn't quit, but here is my response...
ReplyDelete1.) First, I will truly miss you guys
2.) Second, this blog was the best, please don't delete it! This blog inspired me to keep moving. When I read this post, I was crushed.
3.) Third, I respect your choice, but if you ever come back, think before you do. I have a feeling my blogging years have ended as well.
It's very hard to quit, because you know there are people out there who read your blog, and they will be sad, and the person quitting will be sad. But, sometime in life, we do grow up, and we get too old for this. We cant run away from the fact that we have to grow up.
My blog will never match up to this one, and remember: You guys were the best people I have ever met. Even though you don't know me, and I don't comment, it feels like I have known you for years.
This post was made on May 4, and right now it's August 21, and I still read this message every day. It breaks my heart everyday. But I keep coming back, because I still have the slightest hope that you may post a message that your coming back. I go into a state of pause when I come on your blog. No matter what you do, please never delete this blog. I stepped back and thought about my blogging, and I have ended as well, but no one cares about me so it didn't matter. This crushes me everytime I read it, and I am almost in tears now. This was the BEST Club Penguin blog ever, don't ever let anyone get to you.
ReplyDeleteWith love, peace, and hope,
Almost September and this blog has still not been forgotten.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 9th, 2010 and this post is still being read.
ReplyDeleteWith hope still left inside,
September 2010 and this post has been re-read by me.
ReplyDeleteI was looking back on old memories, namely this blog, and was delighted to see all of these lovely comments! It gives me the warm fuzzies inside :)
Alex~ I have two words to say to you: Thank you.
No problem. I keep coming back here because I still have hope left. I have hope that one day, there will be a message on here. One that's titled," The Awesome Penguins Return!" Even though that will probably never happen, there is still hope.
ReplyDeleteAlex, and I will leave 1,000,000 nice comments if that would get you back.
September 15th, and this post is still going strong.
ReplyDeleteI'm back too! I miss this blog =(
ReplyDeleteI would also loved too if you come back. But you can't change time, and it really runs fast. Have a happy life, Peggie and Cafina!
9/27 and every word still counts.
ReplyDeleteHAve a great life, Peggie, Cafina, Pinkguin 246, Zathina, and Flippy!
Bye Peggie...
ReplyDeleteIt is already 10/20/2010 and it's the Halloween Party. This site was stopped in the Medieval Party. I hope you Cafina and Peggie could come back or maybe just even have a blog recognition party on December if someone sees the post of deets. Anyways, keep having fun in LIFE Awesome Pengs! You will truly be missed...
ReplyDelete~ Y27s:)
Thank you so much! ALL of you are so amazing. Oh, by the way, Peggie and I are going to be on Club Penguin during the Halloween Party, so you might see us around! :) We'll add you if you want.
ReplyDeleteHi Cafina, sorry I missed you at the Halloween Party. Hope to see you another time :)
PS: This post is still ongoing and every pint of word... still counts :)
I havent posted much comments on this blog but now, its time I Will.It is November 6 2010 and i am still reading your blog and still being touched by it everyday.Everytime Im angry at someone for doing something, I think of this blog and its calms me down immediately.Its so inspirational and maybe ,one day, Ill become a blogger as well.I also respect your desicion but if you do ever come back,like fredfan4ever,I will be one of the first to know because I vist your blog every day.If you dont come back, please still never delete this wonderful blog. Good bye Peggie. Well miss you. Have fun with live BESIDES staring at the computer all day like I do. LOL
ReplyDeleteLive, Laugh, Love
{Snake Girl}
Plz come back!! PLZ!!! Do u still play CP??
ReplyDeleteDon't think I forgot about you guys :) This is Fredfan4ever, Dec. 10, 2010. Just a few more months and it will have been a year, and I still come here with the slightest hope. Don't thank me, thank you for the years of service. This post aswell got me thinking...maybe it's time, but whenever I quit, CP always seems to find me again, and reaches out to grab me and pull me back into blogging. I guess it just isn't time for me, but...just maybe it is. Thanks The Awesome Penguins, and I will read this until you come back, which may be never, which means I will forever be reading.
ReplyDelete-Fredfan4ever, Thinking Hard.
Hey! Guess what? It's 2011, and no I have not forgotten.
ReplyDelete-Fredfan4ever, Thinking too...
Hi again. I'm just back here looking at this post on and on and on. IDK if you are still reading this, but really, you are missed. It's Valentine's NOW. (Happy Valentine's Day!) It's near MAY, the Medieval Party is... near. This will be one year of commenting. Once, again: I miss you, gals!
ReplyDelete~Y27s, an AP Fan
Well said! I do not know you, or probably anyone, after I thought about how huge the world is! To be honest, I couldn't have said it better myself! This has got to be the best post I read in my life! Your decision is wise. I, as a Club Penguin blogger, does all my posts on a weekend. You are right, there is much in life. Even the smallest things can cause great change. Every problem in life is set up. God wants you to quit blogging about CP. Every decision you make is based on what God wants you to do. God set up this decision for YOU to make. Your blog may not live on with posts, but for all who remember all the great things you blogged abuot and the fun times, your blog will live forever in the hearts of the people who remember it.
ReplyDeleteMarch 2011. This is almost like a video update on a large trip. But, I am still here to support you. My name is Fredfan4ever...I will never forget you, and please return one day :) I still read this a lot...and...well I just don't know. CP Blogging just seems too much...but...just know I'm still here to support you.
ReplyDeleteLoosing hope (but will never give up)...
P.S. Oh my gosh! You deleted the background? I guess there is no coming back unless you change the design - and I mean every bit of it :(
Thank you for all of your support. ^^
ReplyDeleteAnd no, the background wasn't deleted. :) I don't know where it went. Haha. Must be a glitch.
You guys are amazing. :) Best friends ever, guys!
Very inspirational! You have great grammar! :D You brightened up my day! :)
Its June 2011 and I still look at this blog and was inspired to begin blogging again:) This blog will never be forgotten... You truly are the Awesome Penguins.
ReplyDeleteThe Awsome Penguins, I cry as I read this. Everyday I hope one day y'all will return and blog again. Maybe y'all are reading this. I hope y'all will go and inspire people. By the way, my name is Abby5004 on Club Penguin. Please come back girls!! ;(
ReplyDeleteI miss you Peggie! .. and Cafina :( Hope you'll go back to blogging again! :(
Y27s :(
Gosh, every day I come back, look at the blog, and wonder how in the world we could ever have gotten such lovely friends and fans. You guys are the best. /hug
ReplyDeletePlease check your email Peggie Quinn- I emailed you its from prettyparrot@comcast.net.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day:)
June 29, 2011.
ReplyDeleteThis is Fredfan4ever a.k.a. Blue Jeans and I'm still reading this blog.
So here we are more than a year later, still viewing this incredible blog. This post is so inspiring.
ReplyDeleteYour Amazing :')
ReplyDeleteMay 4, 2010 September 9, 2011
ReplyDeleteWhat a big difference..
I know gals that you are still blogging.
Or maybe not.
But is their any site that I may visit to check your updates? Do you have another blog [but not about Club Penguin] ?
PS: We still miss you, gals! :(
Wow, it's September 25, 2011-it's been a long time since May 4, 2010. When I think of nature, I think of Peggie Quin. I have hope that the awesome penguins will blog again one day. I've been reading the old posts from this blog. They are so inspiring. Peggie Quin and the awesome penguins, feel free to email me at: Prettyparrot@comcast.net. I would be very happy to meet the awesome penguins online and we could become friends :)
ReplyDeleteIt really hurts my heart to see such a great website shut down, You weren't doing anything wrong, But I have to say you are right about blogging. And eventually, I will quit Blogging..
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to Peggie Quin, Cafina, all the other awesome penguins, and everyone! May 2012 be a great year for you all! Stay safe =)
ReplyDeleteIt's 2012 now..... I still remember commenting 1 year ago... honestly it doesn't feel that far away..
ReplyDeleteJanuary 18 2011, I still miss this blog! :( I will always like to visit it. :)
ReplyDeleteFrom Your Friend
~Perapin :)
I miss the Awesome Penguins D:
ReplyDeleteWow! It's May 4, 2012 already! Two years on this very day, the Awesome Penguins quit this great blog. I still miss them ;( But these posts still matter :)
ReplyDeleteTake Care,
It's been so long now! I hope you're still successful in your other works! Best Wishes!
CRIES :( You still play Club Penguin right?
ReplyDeleteYup, we go on Club Penguin sometimes!
DeleteAnd thank you all for your supportive and loving comments...I can't believe that we have so many beautiful friends.
It's been 3 years....
ReplyDeleteI miss the Awesome Penguins D:
omg it's been 3 years already!! I've been visiting this blog and thinking that someday, Peggy Quinn or Cafina will post something like, "We're back!!"
ReplyDeleteI really miss your blog! I was a huge fan of you two! I still read your old posts and think about the good old memories... those were the days. :'D
I'm so proud of you guys, I know it's been 3 years but you made a lot of friends and you've blogged for several years. I'll forever be a fan of your blog :)
It's been 3 years! Don't go! :'(