Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Decide Sunglasses & Secret Agent Sneak Peek!

Hey penguins! Well, Club Penguin is finally developing a new mission for us secret agents, and it involves sunglasses and a special helper.
We get to pick the sunglasses in another You Decide! Yay! I think I like either Sunglasses #2 or #3. What are you going to vote for?Here is a picture of a the special secret agent helper! Hm...I think she looks kind of like Dot from The Club Penguin EPF DS game.
Finally! A new mission! I hope it involves that pack of seeds Herbert dropped from the last mission, Waddle Squad. (Click here to find the Waddle Squad mission Guide.)

Ciao for now!


  1. Hi Cafina!
    Im 1w34e
    Awesome Post
    Yay A New Mission I can't wait I wonder if Herbert or Klutzy will make a return
    From 1w34e
    Ps Hope you have a nice day and a nice and safe Christmas!

  2. Yeah! I can't wait for the new mission.. we haven't had one in a while..

  3. Hi Peggie Quin!
    Hope u have a nice Christmas full of lots of fun and laughter
    Sorry If There are some spelling mistakes in my comment!
    From 1w34e
    Ps Hope u have a great day!

  4. THANKS 1w34e! That is so kind of you :) I hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas full of happiness, family, friends, and presents ;D

    P.S. There aren't any spelling mistakes, by the way :)


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