Monday, February 22, 2010

Orange Puffle Coming Soon!

Hi everyone! Well, Billybob dropped a huge hint on when the orange puffle is coming out. He said a "special surprise will be arriving early at the Pet Shop..." which probably means the orange puffle is coming out on THURSDAY!

Wednesday surprise.jpgI can't wait to adopt my own little orange puffle! Do you guys have any ideas on what to name it?

-Peggie Quin


  1. Names? Well, here is an idea: Risso. It's weird, I know, but still!

  2. Hmmmm names.... I know! Lala.... wait no... uh.. Goofy!!! Yea thats a good idea!

  3. Orangey, Oran, Orane, Ganey, Janey, Silly, Goofy, Goofus... LOL i cant think of any more!!!


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