Thursday, February 18, 2010

Puffle Party '10!

Hi everyone! The Puffle Party of February 2010 is here! It's just as good as last year's, and maybe even better... with BRAND-NEW free items, events, rooms, and more, it has the best kind of fun in store!

Free Items
The first free item, which everyone can get, is the Puffle Hat. You can find it in the Plaza.
The second free item, which is members-only, is the Puffle Jacket. You can find it in the Puffle Show Room (accessible from the Ski Village.)

Members-Only Puffle Show
The show can be reached from the Ski Village. Enter the tent that reads "Puffle Show".
It's a spectacular sight!
To enter your puffle in a contest or see their ranking, first take your puffle for a walk. Then stand very close to the contest, and your puffle will immediately start to participate!

Puffle-Themed Rooms
(note: these are pictures from French servers)
The Red Puffle Room is the Cove. Head there to surf and act like a good ol' fashioned pirate. Arrr!
The Yellow Puffle Room is the Lighthouse. Head there to read Shakespeare and view fine art. Remember to get your portrait done!
The Green Puffle Room is the Lighthouse Beacon. Head there to do acrobatics and play pranks on people. Watch out for that flying puffle!
The Blue Puffle Room is the Forest. Head there to jump around in the ball pit, or toss around a ball. The Pink Puffle Room is at the Iceberg. Head there to jump rope and bounce on the trampoline!
The Purple Puffle Room is the Nightclub. Head there to shimmy and shake on the dance floor. (And while you're at it, blow some bubbles!)
The Black Puffle Room is the Underground Pool. Head there to skateboard and chill. Artists can contribute street art to the walls!
The White Puffle Room is the Mine. Head there to skate on the slippery ice floor and watch the snow. This is the newest (and possibly the best) puffle room!
Isn't the Puffle Party awesome? I heard that if you get 10 orange penguins in the Ski Village, you can see the Orange Puffle on the Ski Lift! Has anyone seen this?

-Peggie Quin


  1. Awesome post, but what is that font on the top picture called?


  2. Peggie, One of the catalouge cheats is there ha ha. It's the mail box one ! He he. And remember the red puffle box wasnt there? And now the red puffle IS there.

    P.S:How do you log onto other servers? E.G: french

  3. hEY I AM HAVING TROUBLE FINDING THE FOLLOW button for your blog so i will just add you banner

  4. Frangipani42- Thanks! The font is called "Mia's Scribblings" and I got it from

    Blair1999- Oops, LOL :D To log into servers of another language, click on the "Select Language" tab right above the "Play Now" button. Click the language server you want, and you can begin!

    Victoria- Thanks, and sorry about the inconvenience. I've added a "Followers" option on the sidebar, and you can follow us by clicking "Follow!"

  5. Hi Peggie QUin, How are you?

    THanks for the font. I am about to download it :)

    And I was wondering if you wanted to be a special guest at my 1111 hits party? If you can't come, or don't want to. I do not mind the slightest. Anyway the details,

    Time: 8pm PST
    Date: Saturday 27th

    Hope you can come,

  6. Cool, I am also having trouble with the follow our site button, nice blog, can you tell me in a comment how to add a blog to google search? thanks

  7. Frangipani42- That sounds great! I'll try to make it. Hope to see you there! :)

    clubpenguin Tips and hints- We have recently added a "Followers" option on the sidebar, and you can follow us by clicking "Follow!"

    To add your site to Google search, first go to "Settings." Then scroll down until you see "Let search engines find your blog?" Change it to "yes." Now sites like Google can find your blog!!


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