Thursday, February 25, 2010

Orange Puffles

ORANGE PUFFLES ARE OUT!They have been added to the Pet Shop, the puffle postcard, the puffle catalog, and pretty much everything puffle. In other words, they're everywhere!

To adopt your own puffle, go to the Pet Shop and click on the Adopt a Puffle catalog. Flip through to the back, to the Orange Puffle page.
Here are all the Orange Puffle's actions. It loves to sleep and eat, and that may be why it's a little on the heavier side. But it's a cute, buck-toothed, cowlick-haired puffle... check it out!(click to enlarge)

New start screen...I think those puffles are cute, but they have a serious saliva-control problem. LOL! They're adorable!
Here's a picture of my and my Orange Puffle, Maddie. I named her after the crazy Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland! It suits her, doesn't it?
-Peggie Quin


  1. Aww ! LOL! okay may I be the first to tell ya... DUM DUM DUM. LOL the new pin is out in the ski lodge :)

  2. Thanks for the tips, guys! I really am getting too excited with these Orange Puffles ;) I'll get started posting right away!

  3. I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love the new orange puffle! I named my Silly Willy. They are so so so cute!


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